Lawyers Brief Service

First-class Family Solicitors And Divorce Lawyers In California

About Us

As a global legal practice that has been in operation since 1973, Lawyers Brief Service has offices in the US in Los Angeles, Phoenix, Denver, and Seattle, as well as our own team of attorneys in Sydney, Barcelona, Portugal, and Madrid. We know how important it is to understand the goals and businesses of our clients, and we rely on our strong client relationships, experience, and professional network to help us complete the project.

Cases Solved
Happy Clients
Regional Offices
Legal Associates

Our Practice Areas

International Matters

In keeping with today’s more international world, lawyers brief service recognized International Law practice is bold, innovative, and linked.
It requires an experienced multinational legal team to navigate the very disparate legal systems that come with different jurisdictions. In many of the most intricate areas of international law, our attorneys are recognized as leaders, and we are available to help you wherever you need us.

Escrow services

We also help mitigate risks and improve transaction performance by acting as escrow agents during transactions. cash can be held in an escrow account under the custody of lawyers brief service, serving as the escrow agent, until the requirements for remitting the cash to the specified parties are satisfied.

Family Law Appeals

Family court proceedings frequently entail the most emotionally charged and life-changing choices, such as child custody, support, visitation, and property distribution. While courts endeavor to make fair decisions, the results may not always appear just. When this occurs, you may be able to submit an appeal and have the decision reviewed by a higher court.

Wealth Protection

At Lawyers Brief Service, we recognize that your wealth is a combination of your hard work, legacy, and future—it’s not just about the numbers. Our committed Wealth Protection Team offers specialized, knowledgeable guidance to help people, families, and companies protect their financial assets, guaranteeing that your wealth is preserved for future generations.

How It Works



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Office Locations


112 E Lemon Ave, Monrovia, CA 91016.



What Our Clients Say

Start-ups, small enterprises, entrepreneurs, investors, and domestic and foreign corporations make up our clientele. A dedicated and skilled group of attorneys is the first ingredient in our formula for client success. Because of the value we offer, many of our client relationships have lasted for decades.

We Help Solve Your Legal Issues